And here's another crap-happy product: Mucinex. Technically it does work. They performed tests and it shows a minimal effectiveness over placebos. The real question is: Why shell out nearly $20 for something that works that badly? Just drinking a lot of water or juice will do nearly the same thing. They're selling snake oil again folks, and you're buying it.
So what then is a Republican?
So what then is a Republican? This question has come up since I have been weeded out by the core, extreme Republicans, as they have found my ideology wanting. I expressed the need for this country to finally solve the problem of caring for its sick, and doing away with the ugly for-profit health care "system" that exists currently, replacing it with a single-payer system and thus saving our country billions of dollars, and millions of lives. How do we define Republicanism? By the core? Should we allow it to be encircled by the focused interiority of those most fervent--and most fanatical? Should those who do not adhere to every single jot and tittle of the party platform hang our heads and retreat to the desert region of our foes? (And would they admit us, or also vanquish us as not being suitable for their use either?) Does fanaticism define the party unit, or something more reasonable, something more rationally defined? Let me consider for a bit the following position: Repu...